Monday, January 7, 2013


The meaning of the word genesis is origin or mode of formation of something.  I believe the year 2013 is going to be a whole new beginning for our family.  I have a really good feeling about this year. 

We've already begun by visiting my son and his family spending quality time together and putting God first.  We've prayed together and went to church together -- all of this is a new experience for us as a whole family.   We are leading the way for the rest of our family and that is all we can do.  God holds us accountable ourselves.  My prayer this year is that all of us will grow even closer to God than ever before, have all our needs met and see the glory of God in our lives as we obey and follow Him.

Both my husband and I bought new Bibles for this year.  Mine was the simplest version and his was a very indepth study bible. 

I began with the book of Genesis.  It was as if I was reading it for the very fist time as I could almost see God breathing His creative life-giving power into the nostrils of mankind as He fashioned man out of the clay of the earth.  The Hebrew word for  man is adam, which sounds like and may be related to the Hebrew word for ground adamah.  God spoke to my heart revealing the power behind this God-breathed life giving force.  The breath of God was not as you or I would know breath.  This breath the scriptures would speak of would be a creating power -- the power that created the world in the first few verses of Genesis as he formed our world creating and placing stars in the heavens, which he had just created.  This breath had the power in itself to create organs, tissues, bone, brain infusing a soul with a body and breathing spirit into it.  There is so much more to this than just getting out some modeling clay and breathing into some holes in it.  This is God we are talking about -- the One and Only Creator of Life. 

Next God led me to Psalms 145, 146, 147 and 148 -- all of which praise the powerful Creator, our God, who loves us more than we can comprehend.  His word says He is our Maker who longs to show His love to us and provide for us as our Father.  He wants us to praise Him, to rely on Him, to trust on Him and to put our hope in His unfailing love.   Let us exalt Him and praise His name for His splendor is above the earth and heavens.  He fulfills the desires of those who fear Him; He hears their cry and saves them.  The Lord is trustworthy in all His promises and faithful in all He does.    His greatness no one can fathom from one generation to the other, telling of the power of His awesome works and proclaiming His deeds.  He opens His hand and satisfies the desires of every living thing.   He upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry, sets prisoners free, gives sight to the blind, heals the brokenhearted and binds their wounds.  Great is our Lord and mighty in power; His understanding has no limit. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

lets get started

This is why my blog is called Honest Faith. I'm sure to learn something from each one experience as I write about it and my hope is to help someone through my personal experiences.  No matter the effects my life may have on someone, it is extremely important that I write about it -- I must write it out.  That's because I'm a writer.  I cannot deny or ignore the calling inside.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Let it go and see if it was meant to be

There is a "famous unknown" saying, "If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, its yours forever.  If it doesn't then it was never meant to be."   I walked away from buying the used table I wanted but today was a completely new day.  Two days ago I really wanted this table and could hardly give up the idea but I had to let it go. Today everything worked out so that I could go and get it. What changed in 48 hours? My attitude!  Now I have the table and it is a perfect fit for our family. 

Saturday, March 24, 2012

a new table - continued

How can you be so full of faith and confidence one day and then the next day the rug gets pulled out from under you and you find yourself completely face down on the cold floor feeling like your guts have been kicked out of you.  Emotions!  They are so fickle - washing to and fro like waves in the ocean.

I struggled today over whether or not to buy a used dining room set.  I could not believe this bargain would created so much turmoil, who knew.  So I have this need, yes, that's right I called it a need.  I NEEDED a new dining room table set.  The one we have is real hard wood but it is an antique and two out of the three leafs are warped and don't fit perfectly.  Its still a very good set but just not my style in our new house.  Its in the basement right now.

We've been eating off the patio table, which I moved inside for the winter.  The chairs are from the wooden dining set.  The table is too low to go with the chairs -- all in all its not a good fit.

I went on Kijiji and found the perfect table and it was only $300.  I was so excited because after all the checking around I could see that it was a great deal.  After looking over some details and talking more to the current owner, I knew this was the one we needed -- a modern, up beat touch in great shape.

I committed to driving an  hour to pick it up but something happened.  Although I had been wrestling with the expense, justifying this big purchase, I didn't want to admit that I didn't have perfect peace about it.  I was in turmoil over the money because I couldn't afford it.  When I drove into town to get the money from the bank, I did something I don't understand.  Instead of just returning my tax accountant's phone call I decided today, of all days, to stop at her office and discuss our tax return issues.

Leaving the tax accountant's office was a complete turn around.  I didn't bother going to the bank once I found out how bad our financial situation was.  I literally dragged myself to my truck and drove home crying.

When I first got home I could not even face my husband to drop this bomb on him.  I kept it to myself.  Why do we do that?  Why is it in our nature to protect others and carry the burden ourselves.  Its stupid but I kept it to myself for a little while.

I called the people who had the table for sale and told them I couldn't buy it after all and that we wouldn't be coming.  It broke my heart.  I opened my laptop, sat down and began looking for a new job.  Eventually my husband came in to check on me and I told him why I was so upset finally.  I thought, 'why not -- I need to share this burden with you so maybe you can feel some of this pain too'.

Here's the good part.  My husband listened and walked around to wrap his arms around me (with a little coaxing and a suggestion as to what would make me feel better).  He told me that God had brought us here for a reason and even though we don't know exactly what that is all about, we can have faith in just believing that and hold on to our faith that God will not let us down.  He will take care of us and He hears our prayers, He knows our needs and we can trust him to watch over us.

That was exactly what I eneeded to hear.  I felt better just knowing I wasn't alone -- my husband was with me on my side and God was with me guiding us to our destiny.  Thank God for his divine care and guidance.  I had tgo go to work today too but that's an entire different story.

No matter how you feel.  No matter what your circumstances are, you can put your trust in God.

Proverbs 3:5-8  "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes, fear the Lord and depart from evil.  It will be health to your flesh and strength to your bones."